Tuesday, September 8, 2009

UPSR 2009

Salam.... Today all the year six student around Malaysia will sit for their UPSR exam. This is the day that will test your knowledge after six years of your learning experience and process. What have you done over the years and what have you gain from your classes for the past six years here in school.

The knowlegde has been pass trough, the skills and formulas has been polished to you, and it is up to you yourself to prove it now. This will be the first step of your future success. If you could pass trough this, Insyallah you will be able to go trough the rest. Try not to take this just for granted, work hard and always dream of your success.

My dear students, We are always pray for you, we believe each and everyone of you deserve to succeed as long as you put an effort into it. Remember if you had done the best and really put your hardwork and effort, God will always be with you.

Hope to see your tears of success.........Adios.

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